Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blogger or Wordpress - Wordpress or Blogger

So, you may ask why am I still posting on both Blogger and Wordpress. Well, there are a few reasons.

1) Via StatCounter, I noticed not many readers are clicking the link to my new blog on Wordpress.

2) Via Wordpress Stats, there were maybe 10 visitors in the last week. Also, I have no idea how to get StatCounter working with Wordpress.

3) Wordpress has some cool features that I like, but so far a big issue I am having with it is that Wordpress' Blogs I Follow is not updating properly. It is either a few days behind or skipping updates altogether. (Right now, Hermione's Top Shelf post isn't showing on Wordpress.)

4) Sometimes Blogger has compatibility issues with my iPhone browser (isn't Chrome a Google-run browser? Maybe someone should remind them of that). Yesterday, I couldn't comment at all because it wouldn't load the comment box, then when it finally did load, my comment disappeared.

5) All my old stats don't transfer from Blogger to Wordpress which absolutely sucks. I'm sure I can figure out how to work around getting my favorite posts to show up on the side bars, but it is cool when readers are the reason posts are Most Popular and I don't choose them myself.

All of these items have led me to where I am at the moment - in a holding pattern. I think the best I can do for now is really give both a proper try for a while, which means I will probably be posting in both locations. I love that there is a Like button on Wordpress...I suppose I could activate the Google Plus thing and try that for Blogger. I also love the look and feel of my new blog, so maybe I'll tweak Blogger and try a new look. (Maybe.)

Also, DtBHC brought it to my attention that fetblogger.com exists. It seems like a pretty cool idea, but I'm not sure how many people are currently using it. Also, is the interface identical to Wordpress? Since I haven't really gotten used to Wordpress yet or decided to truly stop posting on Blogger, I think I'll wait before really considering Fetblogger.

So, because I am being so indecisive, I'll leave it to you which of my blogs you want to actually follow. My preference is actually Blogger for now - sorry for those that already changed links, feeds, etc. Also, since no one has made a comment on Wordpress yet, I'm thinking maybe you could keep leaving comments on Blogger for now. Then, I'll just re-import to Wordpress later to keep comments up-to-date there. (Just a personal preference as I'd hate to lose comments before the dust settles...maybe I'll disable comments on Wordpress and leave a link to come back to Blogger...)

Sorry for all the confusion - just imagine what it's like in my head at the moment. (sigh) I am definitely open to advice, tips, and comments about the blogging platforms, so feel free to comment.


  1. Blogger vs WordPress, it's a conundrum. You'll figure it out.

  2. Leigh - I spent a couple of hours last night working on Wordpress and it seems to be what I am leaning toward. I'm still testing a few things to see if they are working properly, so we will see. Thanks!

  3. Hi Jay, fetblogger.com is a site based on WordPress. The difference is that Lady M controls the site and is willing to look at making changes to the site to suit the various users. It was set up to remove future concerns about Google or others changing their terms of use or by banning certain material. At last count there are at least 16 blogs in various stages of construction. You can now setup a blog without emailing Lady M and there are tools that fix the update of blog feeds. I have cretaed a page that updates every 15 minutes. I currently track 68 blogs via my feeds page. As I find new sites I have been adding them to the feed. I really urge you to check it out. It is free to use although Lady M is happy to take donations to help in the cost of running it. I don't know her development plans for the site but I do know she wants it to develop into a site for kinky bloggers. Sites that are active include mine, Mistress Marie and Caged Monkey. The transfer tools are simple to use.

    BTW I am still posting a short link in blogger for any new post to encourage readers to my new location. DtBHC.

    1. DtBHC - Sorry, I just found this comment in the spam folder! I think for now I'll keep an eye on fetblogger. I've already got one follower on Wordpress and a new commenter so I'm still very up in the air when it comes to choosing one over the other. I'm definitely not ready to give up on Blogger either yet.

  4. hi Jay, I wrote a post about Wordpress on my blog. I use both blogger and wordpress, but for different purposes. Neither is perfect, unfortunately.

  5. DelFonte - Thanks! I definitely like parts of each. I kinda feel like I should maybe post on Wordpress and use Blogger posts to redirect to current posts on Wordpress. I could disable comments on Blogger and encourage readers to comment over there. But, all that could be more aggravation for both me and the reader. So I don't know. :-P


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