Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Don't Quit

That's what my fiancé told me a couple of days ago in reference to blogging.  I wasn't really planning on quitting, but with everything going on, I know I have backed off a lot on reading, commenting, and posting.  It's not that I don't want to comment...I just can't think of anything to say within the limited time I have.  I'm also not really sure what to write about anymore.  Work takes up 8 hours, kids take up the next 8 hours, and then we take showers and finally have us time.  But, that time only ends up being about 30 mins which includes foreplay (spanking), making love, and cleaning up afterward.  Then we sleep.  Using that as an outline and reviewing the last couple of updates, a post will consist of 0-33.3% about work, 33.3-66.7%% about kids, and 2% about spanking and/or sex.  That leaves the remaining 31.3% for showers and sleep.  As you can see, that doesn't bode well for a spanking-related blog. 
But then, I remember that I had kept a blog before that had nothing to do with spanking.  It was more of a public journal and my closest friends would read and comment very regularly, so even when we were across the country, we could easily keep in contact.  Eventually, I quit posting because life got busy and we all had gone our separate ways.  
Now that my time online has dwindled, I feel disconnected and the feeling remains even when I have a chance to catch up a little which is why my commenting has decreased.  From my StatCounter, I can see that I still have a few people who visit my page almost every day and it makes me feel a little better to know I wouldn't just disappear and no one would notice. 
I don't plan on quitting, but I can't promise that I will have many spanking-filled stories to share for the time being.  Spanking is thankfully still very much present most nights even though it usually happens pretty fast.  The love of my life knows that I need the stress relief and the reconnection it provides to help me feel loved and stay grounded.  I even sleep better on nights that include a spanking because it forces me to focus on the here and now rather than on yesterday's problems, today's worries, or tomorrow's suprises.  My mind is blissfully quiet and I can then fall into an easy sleep. 
I'd really like to take a moment to thank everyone who has stuck with my fiancé and me over the last few months. You are my support group and believe me I need you. I'd also like to thank any new readers for stopping by!

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