Wednesday, July 1, 2015


This is from a post I started on June 26th but never got around to finishing...

The last five days have been pretty busy. Tom's brother and his family are in the process of moving back to the city because he got a job that starts this Thursday. The lights at their current place were turned off on Friday so everyone temporarily moved into our house again. We spent all weekend taking loads of stuff to a storage building close to where they will be. Today is their last day with us before we take one last load that way. Hopefully, they will be able to work things out for the better. Tom's daughter is probably going to spend a couple of nights with them. 


We did end up getting Wednesday to Saturday alone. Tom and I went to a local festival and enjoyed browsing the different vendor tables. On Sunday, we spent time outside while I put together one of those swinging loveseat things and Tom put a temporary carport together that we will eventually reinforce, both of these are for my mom so she was pretty happy. This was actually a lot of fun for me because I like putting stuff together!

I have been so exhausted lately. I don't think I'm getting any less sleep, but I wake up tired. Maybe it's because we have been driving an hour away often in the last couple of weeks to help with the move and it's really starting to wear me down.

I've also taken to playing solitaire on my phone a lot. I used to spend my extra time browsing blogs, writing posts, or I seem to be sticking to a mindless game in my down time. I like it because it requires just enough thought that my mind feels occupied but not stressing about anything.

This coming weekend we are planning to go through half of my mom's storage shed. Apparently, the roof has been leaking and about 1/3 of the boxes have gotten soaked so I need to see what is salveagable and what needs to be tossed. I am hoping to have some fun going through'll suck to throw things out, but maybe we'll find some cool stuff!

In other news, I think I seem to be going through a phase. I know I created this blog to share my life - my story, my experiences, my journey - and a lot my posts have revolved around spanking. My recent posts don't really talk about it much anymore and I feel I owe my readers a small explanation since many of you enjoy reading about it. It's not that I don't think about it or that I don't get spanked anymore. It's just not as high up on my priority list at the moment. I definitely still think about it and I have definitely had some feel-good spanking sessions followed by some really hot, mind-blowing sex with the love of my life.

I think I'd like to start exercising. The last time I exercised consistently was while I was in college taking a karate course. Now, four years later, I am about 40 pounds over what I'd like to weigh. I'm just not sure how to make it routine...and I would like to do it with Tom. I don't like running, but I do or used to enjoy walking, skating, biking, and swimming. This sitting behind a desk all day sucks. I don't have my bike or skates anymore and swimming is $140/month. I think because I can't decide what I want to do, I end not doing anything at all which is horribly circular thinking. And, these 95-105 degree days are not helping my motivation any. (sigh) I would like for Tom to help motivate me...but I'm not really sure how exactly I want him to do that. LOL.

And this concludes my post of randomness.

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